Key Highlights

Scalability and Flexibility

Easily scale resources up or down in response to changing demands, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Version Control for Infrastructure

1aC allows you to treat infrastructure configurations as code, enabling version control and easy rollback

Increased Efficiency and Speed

Automation of infrastructure provisioning and management accelerates deployment and reduces manual errors.

Collaboration and DevOps Integration

Promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, fostering a DevOps culture.


In complex environments where infrastructure configurations and secrets are managed manually, organizations often grapple with significant challenges. Without version control, tracking changes and ensuring consistency across various stages of development becomes arduous.

Manual scaling and network configuration further compound these issues, leading to potential inefficiencies and errors. The manual creation, configuration, tuning, and maintenance of virtual machines (VMs) not only consumes valuable time but also increases the likelihood of configuration drift and human errors. In such environments, the adoption of Infrastructure as Code (laC can be transformative).


    The key functionalities of the offering included:

    • NuWare designed an architecture that leveraged Azure’s environment for development, test and production.
    • Designed a fully automated, continuous integration and delivery system for app deployments.
    • Significant boost in performance by architecting highly available environments with laC and Auto Scaling for robustness and stability.
    • laC allows us to dynamically scale resources based on demand. This flexibility ensures optimal resource utilization, reducing costs during low-demand periods and accommodating spikes seamlessly.


Using a laC model, NuWare was able to help the client implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices, and also automate infrastructure provisioning and management. The client was able to realize immediate benefits such as quicker application deployment, auto-scaling of infrastructure and faster innovation. In addition, the new architecture helped in gaining more visibility, control on cloud billing, and lowered costs further.